What Determines The personality of an individual?

  •  Introduction 
Personalities are individual characteristics and ways of behaving in their organisation or patterns that account for an individual adjustments in his total environment. 
It also refers to full personal outstanding characteristics e.g physiology,emotional and social traits,interests and also the attitudes. 

Determinants of personality 

The personality of an individual is determined by two major factors. These are Nature and Nurture.


This is the biological make-up of the person or the genes. It is from the genes an individual inherit the following 
  • Physical traits.eg height,body structures and skin pigments.
  • Biochemical balance of the body .i.e.  emotional and self control. 
  • The quality of central nervous system i.e quality of traits and intellectual functioning. 
These potentialities cannot develop beyond the set limits. 


This refers to all the environmental influences on personality. Children find themselves growing up in different environment and each environment has its own mark on human being. 
The most important environmental influence are those that impact on the child early in life during the formative period when the self concept is formed. 
These influences are experienced at home as the child interacts with the parents, siblings and other persons at home 
The following are social environment that the child encounters:

. The Home

The home is the first social environment that a child encounters. The people at home are the foundations of trust or mistrust to child's life. 

During infancy and early childhood, the child will learn to trust the mother,then the self and the world they are exposed to. 

A good personality of an individual or a child is attained by stable, loving ,acceptable and warm social environment. Parental love and acceptance show the seeds of trust and feelings of securities in the child.

Children who suffer rejection and who are not loved develop a deep mistrust towards the mother,self and the world. They feel insecure and their psychological development starts on a troubled note. It is important for parents to ensure that the young ones enjoy love and acceptance. 

The time a child spends at home with family members is very important in the determinants of personality. 

. The school

The school is the second environment that a child encounters. It plays a vital role because children use more time in school. The child is un equal among his/ her peers and their reaction is determined by how their friends react to them.

. Religion

This is another social environment. Religion plays a vital role because of principles that are passed or taught to the child. This Determines  how the child will behave later.

. Community or society

The society or community a child lives in also Determines how  a child will behave in his or her lifetime. It is from the society where the norms or moral values are passed to children or other individuals. 

A community whose moral values are deteriorated leads to immoral individuals and their Personalities are negative whereas a society whose moral values are upright Develops individuals with positive personality and attitudes. 

Importance of knowing children's or individuals' personality 

  • To identify the individuals weaknesses, accept them and know how to help them to improve these weaknesses where possible 
  • To discover the individuals strengths and talents and help them  to improve 
  • It helps to allocate activities, duties and responsibilities according to the children's traits or temperament. 
  • It help to create a friendly learning environment that respect children's strengths and weaknesses and that improve the teacher's relationships with the children, between the children, their families and their peers. 
  • It enhances the children's self esteem and self confidence .
  • It helps to appreciate and respect individual differences and children 
  • To understand why children respond to situations the way they do. 

Adjustments and maladjustments

Adjustments is the process in which living organisms maintain balance between its needs and the circumstances that influence satisfaction of these needs.

Maladjustments is the condition or state in which one feels that one needs are not fulfilled and he has been a failure in establishing himself and environment. 

Qualities of maladjusted individual /learners

  • Lack of self control
  • Tendency of withdrawal 
  • Lack of patience and  tolerance 
  • Anxiety 
  • Lack of personal security 
  • Lack of personal inferiority 

Qualities of adjusted learners/individual 

  • Physically ,emotionally and socially  adjusted.
  • Awareness of one own strength and limitations. 
  • Respecting oneself and others
  • Satisfaction of basic  needs. 

Management of maladjustments 

  • Balance growth and development 
  • Providing healthy education 
  • Developing tension tolerance. 
  • Setting proper level of aspirations 
  • Satisfactory of basic needs.



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