Early And Middle Childhood Developmental stages

Early childhood stage

This is the period of childhood below 6 years

Physical growth 

The rate of child growth slows down at this stage. There is increase in height and weight ie a child increase in height gradually and the weight of the body compared to the previous stage of neonate. By 12 months the child will tripple their birth weight. 

There is also the development of muscles . At birth the muscle tissue is at 35% water.muscular fibres begin to grow at the cell fluids and the muscle is replaced with protein and salt. 

There is development of brain and nervous system. At birth the brain is about 25% its eventual adult age , at 1 year is about 66%.,at 2.5 years is about 76% and at 5 years is about 90%.

At birth the skeleton of the bone are soft and easy to break. They are too small and flexible. At the child growth the bones harden.

Factors affecting the physical development of the child


This is inherited from the family
Heredity Determine the rate of growth and maturation in height, bone age etc. If afsmily has inherited diseases such as muscular dystrophy, the child .uscles will be affected and will limits the child movements. 


The kind of food given to the children must be balanced and sufficient. Giving children food with a lot of carbohydrates will cause obesity. It can also lead to diseases like kwashiokor,Rickets, marasmus etc.


Prolonged illness interfere with steady growth of child e.g. Cancer,heart disorders etc. 

Child rearing practices

A child must brought up in a conducive environment whereby the child malpractice or adopt good behaviour,can stimulate or copy. 


Stress affect hormonal secretions causing physical dwarfism. Here the height of a child is affected. 

Factors to be considered for proper physical and motor development in childhood stage.

  • Hygienic condition
  • Provision of a conducive environment 
  • Importance of adequate and balanced diet 
  • Medical attention and immunisation 
  • Encouragement of play and manipulation of objects 
  • Understand individual differences. 

Emotional Development in early childhood stage 

Children begin to develop positive and negative emotions such as joy, anger,fear,love etc. These emotions are expressed through play. In this stage ,children frustration increase due to change of environment. At the age of 2 years children react aggressively to annoying peers. At the age of 3- 4 years they stop being aggressive and learn how to control their emotion.

Social development in early childhood stage 

During this stage, children are able to interact with peers and adults. Children attend their social contacts through play and use of newly acquired language ability,ability to control the emotion,ability to move around the environment, ability to observe rules of a game during play activity. 

Moral Development in Early childhood stage 

Children in this stage realise what is wrong and right . They believed that right or wrong are moral absolute (they cannot be changed). They also believed that rules are sacred and cannot be changed. Children acquire moral values  such as honesty, generosity  kindness etc. through reward,punishment  imitation etc.

Language Development in early childhood 

Children experience rapid language development. About 5 to 8 words are added daily to their vocabulary. They are able to construct simple sentences. Due to egocentricity children engage in collective monologue thinking without caring what others are saying

Methods of language acquisition 


Words that are reinforced are likely to be learnt,used and maintained. 
Words that are punished are unlikely to be learnt.

. Imitation and practices 

Children learn to imitate phrases and words. words and phrases that are practiced are learnt.

.language acquisition devices 

. Play

Children accompany their action with words.

. Parent child interaction. 

The mother help the child to acquire language. The mother repeat what the child has said to help in language acquisition. This is called Recasting. 

Mental Development in early childhood 

Characteristics of mental development in early childhood 

  • Increase use of symbols. Symbols are used to represent real objects. 
  • Children are animistic. They give human characteristics to inanimate objects. 
  • Centration.children focus on one attribute of an object. 
  • Artificialism. Children believe that every thing that happen has a psychological reason
  • Over generalisation. The child tends to over use the few acquired concept eg.if they know of an uncle they will call other men uncle. 

Middle childhood stage.

This is the period between age 6 and 12years.

Physical growth in middle childhood 

It is the period of the slowest rate of growth since conception. At the age of 5 to 10 years boys and girls have the same height and weight. At the age of 10 years there onset of puberty for girls and overtake boys. At 12 years brain grow to the maximum size and there is increase refinement of fine motor skills which facilitate reading and writing. 

Emotional Development in middle childhood 

In this stage,the child  learn to control, hide,or suppress his or her emotion.
There is verbal aggression and arguments. They keep changing their mood and are amused by inferiority and deviation of others. They fear school progress and have social anxiety. 

Social development 

Children select their play mate and play in groups. They restrict their friendships to few friends when they reach puberty.

Moral Development 

Children begin to understand that social rules are agreement that can be questioned and changed. They learn that social rules do not apply in all situations or culture.

Cognitive development 

Children acquire the following skills;

. Classification .  

Children are able  to do sorting and grouping,matching and pairing, ordering and sequencies 

. Serialisation 

Children are able to arrange things in orderly manners eg  from the smallest to the largest.

. Conservation 

Children are able to understand that things remain the same unless materials are added or subtracted.

Language development in middle childhood 

In this stage,there is improved pronunciation skills. Children construct longer and more complex sentences. More vocabularies are used and acquire complex grammatical rules eg . Meaning of a sentence  and its structure. Children are able to distinguish words such as ask from tell,heavy and strong.



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