How Teachers should behave in the classroom (classroom control) and meet learners with individual differences


The behaviours of teachers in the classroom may be determined by various Factors such as age ,ability and social- economic background of children. However,there are some important  characteristics and qualities that a good teacher should portray in the classroom. These are:


Teacher should treat the learners equally without any discrimination as per the standard and procedure set. If the learners are not treated fairly, conflict between the teachers and learners themselves may arise.

Clarity of content

The delivery of content or subject maters should be explained appropriately. Teachers should have time with the learners. Many classroom control problems occur if the teacher is unable to deliver the content or communicate in a suitable way. Teachers are encouraged to communicate effectively at the level of learners. 

Order and discipline 

For teaching to be effective, there should be order in the classroom. Teachers should control noise,illegal movements or other activities that interfere with the learning process. Classroom control can be maintained by instilling disciplines to learners and communicating positively about their success. 

Sense of humour 

Teachers who share jokes in the class are highly appreciated by learners. The barrier between the teacher and the class is reduced when a humour is shared provided it is not overdone. This eliminate problems of class control and other communication problems. A teacher should avoid direct confrontation with the learners. 

Relaxation and self control 

Anger result to loss of temper and can make a teacher to over react and insult learners. A teacher who is calm and relaxed is less likely to become angry. 


In every classroom set up,there may be some learners who experience learning difficulties. A teacher who is patient consider the learning difficulties of the learners and help them accordingly. 

Individual differences in classroom 

Learners are not alike. The class is made up of unusual individuals with varied differences and characteristics. These differences include ;Age,gender, mental ability,economic status,physical characteristics and physical challenges etc.

How to identify learners with individual differences 

The following methods are used to identify individual differences among learners.


Learners behaviours are observed both in  and outside the classrooms in various class activities, their physical appearances and physical challenges. 

Use of records 

Records such as administration records, medical records, progress records, attendance registers, individual record  cards,punishment book and use of class teacher may give clear picture of a student. 
The admission records can give you information about the learner's age,home background, religion and health status.
Medical records can reveal information concerning some disabilities that cannot be seen such as heart defects, kidney problems etc.
The attendance registers show the learner might be sick, lack school fees,lack interest in learning, family problems and peer influence. 
Progress records show academic progress of each learner. The teacher can use it to find out which students need special attention depending on their performance. 
Punishment book  can be used to check on the past behaviours of difficult learner. The record also show the kind of offences to which the learner is prone to in order to find out the underlying causes. 

Through interviews 

Oral and written interviews can be conducted by the teacher with an intention of getting clear information  about home background,interests and attitudes, goals and aspirations etc

Use of teacher- student meetings 

Teachers and students hold formal conferences where the students talk freely about their needs. Teachers are able to gather as much information as possible about learners problems, attitudes and interests. 

Use of open days/ academic clinic 

Teachers,learners and parents hold meetings to discuss the progress of the learners. The teacher can find out information about the learner's background from the parents. 

Use of tests 

Tests are provided to learners to obtain the measure of their characteristics .

Types of learners with individual differences 

1.Average normal learners


  • They are pleasant to teachers 
  • They perform their tasks without difficulties if well guided.
  • They perform well academically .
  • They do not have behaviour disorders. 

How to handle 

  • Use of learning activities which suit them
  • Encourage learners to develop independence and responsibilities or their own learning through individual instructions. 
  • Use of instructional resources that suit their interest need and ability level.

2. Academically gifted learners 


  • Have high degree of aptitudes specific task
  • They show alot of interest in the school work 
  • They excel in physical development 
  • Ability to learn things which are above their age and class level
  • Ability to express themselves and generate new ideas
  • Unusual curiosity to learn new things 

How to handle 

  • Pair them with others so that they can discuss their ideas
  • Give them counselling outside the classroom for them to grow socially and morally. 
  • Introduce them to technology.
  • Give them leadership role to exercise their energy. 
  • Give them more challenging work
  • Give them chance to interact with the other talented children.

3. Slow learners 

These are children who learn with alot of difficulties. Their performance are below their age and their level of class. 


  • They have difficulties in expressing themselves 
  • They perform very low 
  • They don't concentrate if lesson is prolonged 
  • They have problems in organising their materials or resources 
  • They don't keep up with the rate of learning 

How to handle 

  • Improve the quality of teaching to create interest in the subjects 
  • Show patience and understanding towards them 
  • Provide them with simulating environment 
  • Give them more work out of class 
  • Be very kind to them assure them that the content or subject is not beyond their understanding. 


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