How Industries and Agriculture Affect The Environment


Agriculture and industries are the major economic activities in the world. These sectors have contributed to the development of countries' economy. However various challenges occur in each sector towards the environment and the whole ecosystem. 

Negative /Harmful Effects of Agriculture on Environment 

Although Agriculture play a major role  in development of the economy of a country, it also contribute to Negative effects to the environment. The Negative roles of agriculture are mainly contributed by either poor farming practices or lack of awareness about the conservation of our Environment. These Negative effects include:

. Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is the carrying out of the top fertile is caused by poor farming practices in agriculture such as deforestation and overgrazing especially in arid and semi arid areas. These poor farming practices reduce Soil fertility. 

. Water pollution 

Agricultural or farm chemicals such as pesticides, inorganic fertilisers or organic manure carried away or transported by floods or surface run off water from Agricultural farmlands are directed to the water sources such as River dams ,lakes etc.This phenomenon pollute water and pose dangers to both human and animals.

. Air pollution 

Air pollution is caused by blown dust from crop lands and overgrazed lands. Also spraysfrom pesticides pollute air when spread into the atmosphere. 

. Destruction of Habitats 

Habitats are homes for wildlife and other animals. These Habitats  include forests and other vegetation in the world. When these vegetation are cleared to allow farming practices, there would be loss of wildlife and other biodiversities. 

. pollution of under ground water

Soil nutrients penetrates through the soil layers to where the water ground is.The process is  known as leaching. These nutrients are from soluble inorganic fertilisers such as nitrates.These soluble nutrients contaminate with the under ground water system.

. Reduction of micro-organisms

Micro-organisms are major components of soil. They help in fixing nitrogen to the soil. The life of these soil micro-organisms is depleted by the use of inorganic fertilisers and pesticides. Some inorganic fertilisers form acidic media in the soil which doesn't support the life of some micro-organisms.pesticides provide toxic substances and kill these micro-organisms. 

Dangers of pesticides 

Pesticides are chemicals used to control Pests in agriculture. The use of pesticides can be dangerous if proper care is not taken seriously. These dangers include;
  1. Pesticides cause death of non- target species 
  2. The pesticides can be accumulated in the human and animal tissues along the food chain
  3. Pesticides may disperse into all Environments e.g rivers and lakes
  4. Overuse of pesticides causes Pests to develop resistance to widely used chemicals.
  5. Cause death or poisoning when toxic pesticides are ingested.
  6. Pesticides cause nausea,vomiting and dizness. 
  7. Loss of memory. 
  8. Changes in central nervous system. 
  9. Lung and kidney  damage.
  10. Skin and allergic reactions etc

Factors influencing the effects of pesticides on human health.

The effects of pesticides on human being depend on some factors such as concentration, size of particles of pesticides, duration of exposure and mode of entry.


The higher the concentration of pesticides/chemicals in the atmosphere the greater the effect.some chemicals are very toxic even in very low concentration 

2.particle size

Large particles are deposited in the upper respiratory passages and small particles reach the lungs.

3. Duration of exposure 

The larger the duration of exposure  to the chemicals the greater the effect. 

4. Mode of entry 

The mode of entry for pesticides is through inhalation as most of chemicals are volatile .

Solution to Environmental problems caused by agriculture 

  • Promote Education programmes on environment land use and development. 
  • Use of organic manure in agriculture 
  • Use of integrated pest management practices 
  • Create awareness on how to conserve the Environment 
  • Application of proper farming methods that reduce Soil Erosion 
  • Use of proper land use systems and technology 
  • Promote indigenous food crops such as cassava, sweet potatoes etc.

Negative Effects of industries on Environment 

  • Industries cause Air pollution through emissions of gases such as sulphur (iv) oxide,carbon (iv) oxide and fumes into the atmosphere. 
  • Industries pollute the soil by releasing of hazardous liquid waste water also called effluents into the water surfaces. 
  • Damage the aesthetic value of environment by emitting smokes,chemical fumes etc.
  • The emission of gases into the atmosphere may lead to global warming and depletion  of ozone layer which protects us from strong rays of sun that causes skin cancer.
  • Stunted growth of plants caused by emitted gases such as sulphur (iv) oxide. The gas reacts with the water in the atmosphere and form acidic rain.
  • The acidic rain caused by the reaction of sulphur (iv) oxide and water corrodes the top of the buildings and other useful materials.

Solutions to Environmental problems caused by industries.  

The following are some of the methods that can be used to minimise the negative Effects of industries on the environment.

  • Industries must adhere to waste recycling and methods  of disposal and practices. 
  • Introduction of penalties to the industries that pollute the environment. 
  • Reduction of taxes for industries that use environmentally friendly technologies. 
  • Industrial policies should be formulated and incorporate concerns about environment. 
  • Environmental impact assessment policy must be enforced. 


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