Effective Methods of Teaching And learning

Teaching strategies and methods 

Teaching strategies or approaches are combination of ways that a teacher uses to present the contents of a lesson. They form general plan or designs which one can fit in instructional procedures. Strategies are the overall ways in which process of instructions are organised and executed. 

There are two main strategies in teaching. These are

  • Expository strategy 
  • Heuristic strategy 

Expository strategy or approach in teaching 

This is also known as teacher centred or teacher oriented method. The methods is applicable where learners are passive. The students have participation to listening, taking notes and asking questions. 

Expository approach includes methods such as
  • Lecture method
  • Demonstration 
  • Dictation

1.Lecture method

It involves the teacher telling the learners who are passive in learning. This method has various advantages and disadvantages .

Advantages of Lecture method 

  • A teacher can cover a lot of content within a short time .
  • It requires limited resources. Its economical. 
  • It is effective in communication because it gives simple and basic information as required. 
  • It is easy to prepare for a lecture than a class experiment. 
  • It is suitable for a large class.

Disadvantages of Lecture method 

  • It keeps the learner  in a passive mode and therefore  there is limited learning. 
  • It is not effective for skill development and higher order of cognitive learning. 
  • It is not effective for slow learners. 
  • It does not provide long term or deep learning. 

How to improve/reinforce Lecture method. 

  • Interpreting questions in the lecture.
  • By using examples.
  • Making references to appropriate resources. 
  • Maintaining eye contact with the learners. This is also done to maintain discipline in the class.
  • Use appropriate language and contents for the level of the learners. 


Demonstration is a method where the teacher show something such as  specimen,  a model,or a process to the learners as they watch and listen. This method is common in sciences and held in laboratories. 

Reasons for using Demonstration 

  • When there is shortage of  materials
  • When the reactants of experiments are dangerous or poisonous. 
  • When the equipments of the experiments are complicated. 
  • When there is time constrain ie less time to cover the contents. 
  • When the learners have not acquired the necessary skills to perform the experiments. 
  • When the experiments is expensive. 

Advantages of Demonstration 

  • It minimises the expense in terms of resources and time.
  • The results are usually more accurate. 
  • It arouses the pupil's curiosity and interests. 
  • It is applicable in nearly all subjects.

Disadvantages of Demonstration 

  • The learners could not acquire the skills because is the teacher who is demonstrating.
  • It may be injurious to students if precautions are not headed to.
  • Mistakes made in  time of Demonstration  are easily learned.

How to improve Demonstration 

  • Try the experiments before the demonstratio time.
  • Place a Demonstration in away  that all learners are able to see.
  • Involve the learners throughout the experiments by allowing them to handle the apparatus, allow discussion and question and answer method. 
  • Clearly explain the stages of Demonstration. 

Heuristic approach 

This method is applicable where learners are trained to discover scientific concepts through observations and listening. The learners are involved in observations, recording ,analysing data and drawing conclusions .It is aid to be learners centered.
Heuristic methods include;
  • Discussion
  • Field work
  • Problem solving projects
  • Group discussion 
  • Student experiments 

1.Discussion method

It refers to student to student talk with occasional verbal interaction with the teacher. Organisation of a group is the first task for proper discussion. The teacher must outline the task for every group to be discussed. One must also ensure that there are resources to perform that task. The teacher must introduce the topic for discussion. The teacher should create a forum where each group should present the solution of the talk. The teacher has the duty to highlight the key points using proper terms and elaborating the students to take notes where possible. 

Advantages of discussion 

  • Increase learners participation .
  • Students share ideas in a relaxed way.
  • Learners are given opportunity to team up and develop some manipulation skills, language skills and organisational skills. 

Disadvantages of discussion 

  • It is time consuming 
  • It requires alot of resources hence quite expensive 
  • It is sometimes difficult to plan for large classes for there may be no space for discussion and free movements. 

2.Field Trips method 

This method involves learners visiting a place of education value such as an industry, a research center,a dam etc for learning purposes. 
It's a very useful method since learners get first hand experience by observing and using other senses to feel the experience. The method give learners to form a connection between what they learn in class and application. 
To increase  the education value of a field trip,careful planning is needed. The objectives of the trips should be set out before the trip is visited. Students should be organised to write a report either individually or in groups on what they learnt. They should be able to represent the report orally. 

Advantages of field Trips

  • They offer stimulus variation and therefore motivate learners. 
  • Trips make learning more meaningful realistic and memorable. 
  • They can help learners in their career choices .

Disadvantages of field Trips 

  • They are expensive for schools.
  • They are time consuming. 
  • They consume alot of planning time. 
  • Accident may occur n the road or in the factory/place visited.
  • It can be difficult to control the students during the trips.

3.Project method 

Projects are based on an extended learning of undefined problems such as long experiments, field studies or a series of short tasks.

What is the importance/purpose of project work ?

  • Projects give an opportunity to link concepts learnt in the classroom with the world outside  them 
  • It stimulates the interest of students in the subjects of study.
  • It exposes learners to a wider range of skills such as observations, evaluation, manipulation etc. 
  • It trains the learners  in designing practical investigations. 
  • It helps the learners to improve their communication skills and use of technical terms. 
  • It develops innovativeness in learners. 
When designing a project, the following points must be taken into account 
  • The project should be achievable at the end of a given time.
  • The topic of the project should be geared towards solving a certain problem. 
  • Ensure that the key resources and apparatus are available. 
  • Arrange for regular consultation as the project proceed. 
  • Ensure that there is safety awareness. 

4.practical work / class experiment 

This involves the learning activities connected with the students under the guidance or supervision of the teacher. The teacher provides the students either individually or small groups simultaneously and apparatus and materials. 

Importance of practical works 

  • It helps the learners to become open minded. 
  • It promotes curiosity and interests in learning.
  • It helps the learners to acquire skills of handling apparatus and experimentation.
For Successful practical work ,the teacher should ensure the following;
  • Preparation before the practical period. 
  • The teacher should try out the experiment before bringing it to the students.
  • The instructions should be clear. 
  • The teacher should provide effective guidance and supervision to the students.
  • The group should be in appropriate size and composition. The smaller the group the more effective it is.
  • The teacher should be able to establish a link between the practical work and the concept being learnt.
  • The teacher should brief the learners on safety precautions and proper use of the apparatus. 
  • The teacher should go round the group guiding and advicing the learners where possible.
  • The teacher should assess and lead a discussion of the result.

What are the aims for experiments?

  • To develop manipulative skills.
  • To promote scientific methods of thought. 
  • To develop ability to plan and carryout investigations. 
  • To increase understanding of the principles and concepts that are learnt in class. 
  • To provide real situations for observing changes and effects.


This method is used to practice and reinforce basic skills. Additionally it can be used to introduce concepts and develop logical thinking and practical strategies. 

Advantages of games

  • Highly motivating.
  • More likely to develop greater understanding and retention. 
  • Good attitudes towards subjects are Fostered through games.
  • Applicable when teaching children as they enjoy playing games.



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