How Agriculture Affects The Economy of a country


Since agriculture is the backbone of a country's economy, most of the countries in the world depend on agriculture either directly or indirectly. This sector is very important in the economy due to the following reasons. 

.  Food production

The main benefit of agriculture is the supply of food to both urban and rural areas in a country. Adequate supply of food in the country brings a better life and a healthy population. The health population participate in other areas of economic development making a country successful. If a country has a shortage of food ,there is ussually a need to import it. This reduce the purchasing power of other commodities such as medicine,machinery and other farm inputs. 

. creation of job opportunities 

Over 70% of population in the countries doing agriculture are employed in one way or another. These people include farmers, farm workers, and those in Agro-based industries. 
Others are employed indirectly to offer services such as Agricultural Extensions services,research stations,transport etc.

. Raw materials for industries 

Most of the industries in the world are concerned with processing. These industries get raw materials from agriculture. They include caning industries, milk processing industries, rice mills ,leather tanning industries, breweries etc.without agriculture many industries would have collapsed.

. Markets for industrial products

The sector of agriculture depends on industries when farmers and other consumers buy finished products from these industries.The industries on the other hand depend on agriculture sector as they sell their finished goods to them.This is an interdependence between agriculture and the industries.

. Sources of capital or income 

Agricultural products are sold by farmers. In this way a farmer generate capital to buy farm inputs such as fertilisers ,pesticides, certified seeds and farm equipments.on the other hand they generate income from these sales and help the farming communities in improving their standards of livings.

.Government Revenue

The governments earn their revenues by imposing taxes and tariffs on sales of agricultural products. This contribute to the development of a country as the finance obtained is used to develop other projects such as construction of roads,hospitals,schools and other social amenities. 

. Foreign Exchange 

A country can earn foreign exchange or the currency earned when Agricultural products are exported. These products include cash crops and perishable goods.The government of a particular country use the foreign exchange to purchase raw materials, manufactured products,etc. Also the foreign exchange may be used to pay foreign debts owed to other countries. 

How Agriculture is influenced by various Factors

For agriculture to be effective and sustainable in a given country,various factors have to be considered. These factors may influence Agriculture both positively and negatively. These factors include:

. Health

A country with a health population succeed in agriculture. Successful farming requires strength and determination. Healthy people have these qualities. 

On the other hand ill-health makes people do little or no work and this reduce production in agriculture and lead to poor economy of a country.

. Technology and Education

Countries with low levels of education have poor farming methods. Education contribute highly in agriculture as farmers know how to carry out the best practice methods in farming such as use of chemicals and application of fertilisers. 

Technology also helps to operate farm machinery and their maintenance. High level of technology increases efficiency and reduce costs of production.

. Infrastructure

Here we emphasise on transport and communication network. Agricultural products have to be transported from productions areas to where the consumers are. communication network helps farmers to reach and access a wider market. These facilities need to be improved for better agriculture .

. Climate

Climates entails  weather conditions of a place at a given period of time. These conditions are such as rainfall, temperature,wind,relative humidity etc.
The rainfall must be adequate to sustain livestock and crop production.
Inadequate rainfall contribute to poor production in agriculture and this normally affects the Economy of a country.

. pest and parasites

Pests are destructive organisms that feed on plants.They influence Agriculture negatively as they reduce production. 
On the other hand parasites affect the livestocks. They suck blood ,cause diseases on animals hence reduce production. Parasites can be internal or external.

To control internal parasites ,dewormers are introduced while in external parasites spray is used using the appropriate avaricious. 

Incase of pests, a farmer may use pesticides which adhere to the standard and regulation of a particular country on chemical use,ensuring that no negative effects of pesticides to the environment. 


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