
How to improve listening and classroom attention

What is listening? Listening is a selective process by which sound communicated by some sources are received, critically interpreted and acted upon by the purposeful listener. This implies that one cannot listen properly from two or more sources of sound. Also for listening to be complete, the sound received is mostly interpreted and acted upon. Difference between listening and hearing  Hearing is a passive automatic process. It is the art of perceiving is physiological. On the other hand listening is more than just and involves both verbal and non verbal messages. It's also involves the manner of dress,cultural background, expectation of participants, venue etc. Types of listeners. Passive listener . The listener pay attention to the speaker than the message itself.  Active listener. Active listener pay attention to the speaker, hear,interpret, analyse,apply and evaluate the message.  Process of listening.  Reception. This is where you here without attending to the sound


  Introduction  Tomatoes are grown for their fruits which are beneficial to human beings as they are rich in vitamins A,B and C. The ripe fruits are cooked,eaten when they are raw in salads or processed to make tomato sauce and juice. Farming of Tomatoes  nowadays has become popular in some countries such as Kenya, Tanzania and other East and Central African countries. Most of the farmers in kenya grow Tomatoes for export and home consumption within the urban areas. In this way, they generate income and improve their standards of living.  Ecological requirements of tomato production Tomatoes grow well in warm climate with an altitude range of 0- 2100 metres above sea level. That is why in kenya growing of Tomatoes is done mostly in central and southern part of kenya I.e in Kirinyaga  ( mwea) ,Kajiado and Taita Taveta. Tomatoes do well in places with  annual rainfall of between 760 and1300mm.The rain should be distributed evenly over the growing period.However, irrigation may be done wh

Classroom communication and motivation

 Introduction  The process of communication is very important when learning is taking place in the classroom. Teachers are required to acquire specialised knowledge in areas of interpersonal communication. However they have to posses three main skills. These are: Cognitive skill. This forms the knowledge base of profession. Technical skills. This is the manipulative skills required by professional.  Social or communication skills. This give the individual the ability to interact effectively with others in the Proffesional contest.  Process of communication  The process of any communication involves two main points that is the sender and receiver. The sender is the source of information. The source send the information and before sending the sender must encode the message. The sender must determine the channel or medium of communication. The receiver gets the message and decode or give feedback to the sender. In a classroom situation the teacher ussually initiate the communication proce

Instructional Resources

  What are instructional resources ? Instructional resources are materials that conveys information and they enhance interaction with the learners. They include instructional materials, teaching aids,audio visual aids that assist learning and increase interest in learning.  Teachers use resources to enhance students participation in class for effective learning.  There are locally made and commercially manufactured resources and the locally made are most preferred.  The teacher should participate in selecting resources that will stimulate and sustain the interest of the learners and also clarify information and present new ideas,stimulate discussions, challenge independent thinking, influence attitude and summarise what has been learned by providing experiences that encourage transfer of knowledge and the skills to new tasks.  Types of instructional resources  There are various instructional resources that a teacher can use when teaching. These are: Flat or projected materials. These i

Effective Methods of Teaching And learning

Teaching strategies and methods  Teaching strategies or approaches are combination of ways that a teacher uses to present the contents of a lesson. They form general plan or designs which one can fit in instructional procedures. Strategies are the overall ways in which process of instructions are organised and executed.  There are two main strategies in teaching. These are Expository strategy  Heuristic strategy  Expository strategy or approach in teaching   This is also known as teacher centred or teacher oriented method. The methods is applicable where learners are passive. The students have participation to listening, taking notes and asking questions.  Expository approach includes methods such as Lecture method Demonstration  Dictation 1.Lecture method It involves the teacher telling the learners who are passive in learning. This method has various advantages and disadvantages . Advantages of Lecture method  A teacher can cover a lot of content within a short time . It requires lim

Early And Middle Childhood Developmental stages

Early childhood stage This is the period of childhood below 6 years Physical growth  The rate of child growth slows down at this stage. There is increase in height and weight ie a child increase in height gradually and the weight of the body compared to the previous stage of neonate. By 12 months the child will tripple their birth weight.  There is also the development of muscles . At birth the muscle tissue is at 35% water.muscular fibres begin to grow at the cell fluids and the muscle is replaced with protein and salt.  There is development of brain and nervous system. At birth the brain is about 25% its eventual adult age , at 1 year is about 66%.,at 2.5 years is about 76% and at 5 years is about 90%. At birth the skeleton of the bone are soft and easy to break. They are too small and flexible. At the child growth the bones harden. Factors affecting the physical development of the child Heredity This is inherited from the family Heredity Determine the rate of growth and maturation i

Why are Adolescents Emotional?

  Introduction  Adolescence is the most important period in the human life.This is a period in human development beginning at puberty( 10- 12 yrs) and ending when full adult status has been attained (22 -25 yrs).  During this period, developmental changes starts to appear in both boys and girls. Physical changes in adolescents  Girls have sledder shoulders, their hips become broaden, enlargement of breasts , growth of pubic hair, onset of menstruation, growth of womb/ vagina and their voice becomes melodious.  Boys have wider shoulders, broad chest,growth of penis and testes, enlargement of muscles, their voice becomes low and break,growth of beards and experience wet dreams at night.  Adolescents have later physiological  changes in the internal system of the body. These systems include: 1.digestive 2. Respiratory  3. Circulatory 4. Blood pressure  5. Hearts and purse rates Due to physical changes,many adolescents become anxious whether they have the right shape and size. Psychologica


  Physical development in mid life stage Physical development in midlife is a continuation of gradual changes underway in early adulthood. Physical changes Under this stage,an adult experiences some physical changes such as vision,hearing, taste,appearance etc. An adult should be aware of these changes to avoid frustration in late adulthood stage. Around age 60,the lens loses its capacity to adjust to objects at varying distances entirely,a condition known as presbyopia. Symptoms include getting headache or tired eyes while doing close work. More people are likely to find they need contacts, bifocals or half glasses to read newspaper,computer screens, restaurant menu or small printed numbers.  If this is not corrected people tend to read materials by holding them farther and farther away from their eyes until  eventually they cannot see to read even at arm's length. After age 40,adults are at increased risk of glaucoma a disease in which pressure builds up within the eye