
Why are Adolescents Emotional?

  Introduction  Adolescence is the most important period in the human life.This is a period in human development beginning at puberty( 10- 12 yrs) and ending when full adult status has been attained (22 -25 yrs).  During this period, developmental changes starts to appear in both boys and girls. Physical changes in adolescents  Girls have sledder shoulders, their hips become broaden, enlargement of breasts , growth of pubic hair, onset of menstruation, growth of womb/ vagina and their voice becomes melodious.  Boys have wider shoulders, broad chest,growth of penis and testes, enlargement of muscles, their voice becomes low and break,growth of beards and experience wet dreams at night.  Adolescents have later physiological  changes in the internal system of the body. These systems include: 1.digestive 2. Respiratory  3. Circulatory 4. Blood pressure  5. Hearts and purse rates Due to physical changes,many adolescents become anxious whether they have the right shape and size. Psychologica


  Physical development in mid life stage Physical development in midlife is a continuation of gradual changes underway in early adulthood. Physical changes Under this stage,an adult experiences some physical changes such as vision,hearing, taste,appearance etc. An adult should be aware of these changes to avoid frustration in late adulthood stage. Around age 60,the lens loses its capacity to adjust to objects at varying distances entirely,a condition known as presbyopia. Symptoms include getting headache or tired eyes while doing close work. More people are likely to find they need contacts, bifocals or half glasses to read newspaper,computer screens, restaurant menu or small printed numbers.  If this is not corrected people tend to read materials by holding them farther and farther away from their eyes until  eventually they cannot see to read even at arm's length. After age 40,adults are at increased risk of glaucoma a disease in which pressure builds up within the eye

What Determines The personality of an individual?

  Introduction  Personalities are individual characteristics and ways of behaving in their organisation or patterns that account for an individual adjustments in his total environment.  It also refers to full personal outstanding characteristics e.g physiology,emotional and social traits,interests and also the attitudes.  Determinants of personality  The personality of an individual is determined by two major factors. These are Nature and Nurture. 1.Nature This is the biological make-up of the person or the genes. It is from the genes an individual inherit the following  Physical height,body structures and skin pigments. Biochemical balance of the body .i.e.  emotional and self control.  The quality of central nervous system i.e quality of traits and intellectual functioning.  These potentialities cannot develop beyond the set limits.  2.Nurture This refers to all the environmental influences on personality. Children find themselves growing up in different environment and eac

How Teachers should behave in the classroom (classroom control) and meet learners with individual differences

  Introduction  The behaviours of teachers in the classroom may be determined by various Factors such as age ,ability and social- economic background of children. However,there are some important  characteristics and qualities that a good teacher should portray in the classroom. These are: Fairness  Teacher should treat the learners equally without any discrimination as per the standard and procedure set. If the learners are not treated fairly, conflict between the teachers and learners themselves may arise. Clarity of content The delivery of content or subject maters should be explained appropriately. Teachers should have time with the learners. Many classroom control problems occur if the teacher is unable to deliver the content or communicate in a suitable way. Teachers are encouraged to communicate effectively at the level of learners.  Order and discipline  For teaching to be effective, there should be order in the classroom. Teachers should control noise,illegal movements or othe

How Industries and Agriculture Affect The Environment

 Introduction  Agriculture and industries are the major economic activities in the world. These sectors have contributed to the development of countries' economy. However various challenges occur in each sector towards the environment and the whole ecosystem.  Negative /Harmful Effects of Agriculture on Environment  Although Agriculture play a major role  in development of the economy of a country, it also contribute to Negative effects to the environment. The Negative roles of agriculture are mainly contributed by either poor farming practices or lack of awareness about the conservation of our Environment. These Negative effects include: . Soil Erosion Soil erosion is the carrying out of the top fertile is caused by poor farming practices in agriculture such as deforestation and overgrazing especially in arid and semi arid areas. These poor farming practices reduce Soil fertility.  . Water pollution  Agricultural or farm chemicals such as pesticides, inorganic fertilisers

How Agriculture Affects The Economy of a country

 Introduction  Since agriculture is the backbone of a country's economy, most of the countries in the world depend on agriculture either directly or indirectly. This sector is very important in the economy due to the following reasons.    .  Food production The main benefit of agriculture is the supply of food to both urban and rural areas in a country. Adequate supply of food in the country brings a better life and a healthy population. The health population participate in other areas of economic development making a country successful. If a country has a shortage of food ,there is ussually a need to import it. This reduce the purchasing power of other commodities such as medicine,machinery and other farm inputs.  . creation of job opportunities  Over 70% of population in the countries doing agriculture are employed in one way or another. These people include farmers, farm workers, and those in Agro-based industries.  Others are employed indirectly to offer services such as Agricu

What is forex and crypto trade?

Forex Trade Introduction  The word forex is a short term for foreign exchange. Forex trade  therefore involves trading with world recommended currencies. Some of these currencies include American dollars(USD),Great Britain pound (GBP),Japan Yemen (JPY),Australia dollars (AUD),Canadian dollars (CAD),EUR etc.  These currencies exist in pairs eg.EUR/USD,USD/JPY,USD/CAD,GBP/USD And more. Crypto trade on the other hand is a method  of trading world cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Etherium, litecoin,Ripple, etc Cryptocurrencies are accepted by some countries in the world but not all. How to trade forex and cryptocurrency  Due to high improvement of technology in the world, most of the traders don't need to go to the banks and trade forex or cryptocurrencies. This old method was replaced by new technology called block chain. Traders in the world use computers and mobile phones to buy or sell currencies. They only require a strong network to do this job . A trading platforms has been int