
Showing posts from December, 2023

How to keep livestock healthy

 Introduction  In livestock rearing, health is one of the factor to consider as it provides high profits in animal production.  Health is a condition in which all the body organs or parts and systems of an animal are normal and are functioning normally. The control of Pests and diseases is very important towards the production of animals. On the other hand unhealthy animals or livestock are uneconomical to keep as their production is low. Why do we keep animals healthy  ? The importance of keeping animals healthy include: Healthy livestocks produce good quality products. This promote a high market value  Healthy animals grow fast and reach maturity stage quickly.  Good health gives animals a Prolonged economic and production life. Healthy animals reduce the cost of production and maximise profits . Healthy animals will not spread Pests, parasites and diseases to other animals.  Signs of good health in livestocks  The reason for observing and recognise the symptoms of ill-health early e

Common Field practices in Agriculture

 Field practices  Field practices are routine or operations performed in the agricultural field to enhance proper growth and optimise yields of the various crops grown in a piece of land.  These operations are done at the best time so that the crops benefit from the environment without any adverse effects.  There are several Field practices and routines carried out in the fields. These includes:  Crop rotation, mulching, thinning, Gapping, roguing,pruning, plant training, earthing up,weed control etc. (A) Crop rotation  Crop rotation is the growing of different types of crops or crops of different families on the same piece of land in an orderly sequence. This practice of growing crops in an orderly sequence is made possible by sub divinding the land into plots. Different crops are grown in these plots in a particular season and rotated or grown in the next plot in the next season. This practice is carried out especially in annual crops where crops are grown and get mature and harveste

How to isolate or separate oxygen, Nitrogen and Argon from Air in Industry

 Components of air Air is a mixture of many gases. These gases include oxygen, nitrogen, carbon (iv) oxide and noble gases. Air also contains water vapour and dust particles found in the atmosphere. Air is very important as it sustains life on earth. All living organisms need air for respiration. Plants need air for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process by which plants make their own food. It involves the presence of carbon (iv) oxide as one of the component of air. Air is also used for combustion or burning of fuels to give energy.  Nitrogen gas contains about 78.1% of air,oxygen 20.9%,carbon (iv) oxide 0.03% and noble gases about 0.97%. The dust and water vapour are variable.  Nitrogen  Nitrogen occurs in many compounds such as nitrates, nitrites and ammonium compounds. It is also found as a free gas in air. It is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere as it comprises of 78.1 % of the earth's atmosphere. Nitrogen is also a constituent of all living cells where it occurs as