
Showing posts from November, 2023

How To Start a Business: Enterpreneurship

 Entrepreneurship  Entrepreneurship is the process of creating an innovative business with an aim of making profit under conditions of risks. It involves generating an idea,getting the necessary resources, organising them and creating a profitable business.  An Entrepreneur is a person who Identifies a business opportunity and Obtains the resources necessary to initiate business activity.  Importance of  entrepreneurship to the economy  1. Job creation  Entrepreneurs create jobs for themselves and for others, thus reducing the problems of unemployment in the country.  2. Promotion of an entrepreneurial culture.  Entrepreneurial culture is an environment that prepares the community to take advantage of available business opportunities in the society. Entrepreneurs employ other people to work for them.  3.Creation of market for goods and services   Entrepreneurs create markets for goods and services produced locally, eg. Raw materials. This enables the local producers to expand productio

Methods Used By Teachers To Learn About Human Behaviours In The School

 Introduction  The methods used by teachers to learn about human behaviours in the school can be grouped into two categories. These are Prescientific Scientific  Prescientific methods  These are methods that make use of everyday experience to study human behaviour in the school. They have not been proved or tested for validity. The following are some of the methods belonged to this category.  Use of certain habits  The teacher identify particular habit or practices used by the learners in the school eg.crying,rude,unable to complete assignments, fighting, sleeping in class,being late,truancy etc. The teacher uses the trends observed in these habits to learn about students behaviour from which he/she can generate a corrective action.  Pre-established beliefs Teachers may hold prior beliefs about learners and when they perform poorly in examination. history ie aggressive, indiscipline, drug addicts etc Use of common sense  Common sense refers to basic rules of the thumb or prac

Why Agriculture in Egypt and Mesopotamia was Successful in Early Days

  Introduction  Agriculture is the growing of crops and the keeping of livestock . The growing of crops is cultivation while keeping of livestock is pastoralism or herding. This is also refered to as animal husbandry. The feeding of world population depends on agriculture and the type of agriculture practised in any region of the world depends on climate, availability of labour and other resources.  In early days man used to hunt. He moved from place to place in all sorts of weather looking for animals to kill and gathering fruits, roots and other items. As time passed man learnt to domesticated animals,he could keep them for food when weather conditions were not favourable for venturing out. The taming of animals made man to have a more settled way of life because hunting was now limited. Factors that led to growing of crops and Rearing animals in Early Days  There were climatic changes that caused the animals to migrate far from their previous locations.  This made the man not to rea

Solutions to food shortages in the third world countries

 Introduction  The shortage of food in a given country is a big problem to citizens. The population experience adverse effects such as hunger ,poor standard of living ,starvation especially in children,poor health etc. The shortage of food is contributed by various Factors especially in the third world countries.  Factors that have contributed to the shortage of food in the third world .  Adverse climatic conditions . The climatic conditions is when there is little or no rain at all. A place where the rainfall is limited experiences the shortage  of food. Where there is no rainfall at all in the country for a period of time, the place is most likely to be desert and no production is done. 2. Poor agricultural policies   Most of the third world countries have emphasised on cash crops such as coffee, tea, rubber, cotton sugarcane etc and abandon the production of food crops such as maize ,rice,beans,wheat etc. 3. Rapid population growth  As the rate of population growth overtake the rate